Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tips for solving HP printer error 49.xxxx.

It's the dreaded 49.xxxx error.  I cringe every time someone calls with it.  It can be one of the most difficult errors to solve.

Experience has taught me that changing the printer driver is often a very common and easy solution to Error 49 in an HP LaserJet printer.

Our friends over at Market Point have written an excellent post on this error.  No need to redo it here.  So go over there and check it out.
Market Point's Weblog

If you need help with your printer or MFP, contact SE Laser today.

Andy Brasfield
Southeastern Laser

Phone 865-675-5900 x 103
Mobile 865-235-1DAD (1323)

PS.  If you know anyone who is looking for a better printer cartridge, please give them my name.  Thanks.

Matthew 10:40